There is a new point series in the works, stay tuned _______________________________________________________________________________________
In Memory of Bud Ellison
(The Budman)
We lost a great racer and even greater friend this year, I just learned a little while ago From another former racer Benny Ellison that his brother Bud passed away , it is with a tremendously heavy heart that I tell you this. I will forever miss his snarky one liners that always made us laugh and that infectious determination to win. You will definitely be missed by all that knew you. Race on into that big place in the sky Buddy.
These are the Final Results
Congratulations To The Budman on a Terrific Drive to the Points Championship, as you can see Bud was extremely happy as he gives the camera the Pirate Eye (arrrrrr). Here Bud Poses with his winning Prize, He chose a slot-it Lancia.
Top Three In Points as of 12-3-09
1st Place 239 Pts
2nd Place 238 Pts
3rd Place 222 Pts